Climate Action Plan

We’re doubling our negative carbon footprint!

Five women sit on the back of a Willing Hands white box truck parked in a field. They are holding large bunches of fresh, green lettuce.

Annual Report

Need Food?

There are lots of places to find free food in the Upper Valley. Check out the map:

What We Do

Willing Hands recovers fresh food from farms, grocery stores, restaurants, and wholesalers, and delivers it year-round, for free, to approximately 80 social service organizations across the Upper Valley of Vermont and New Hampshire. Our work is made possible by a strong and wide network of volunteers, food donors, and recipient organizations. Together, we serve 30,000 individuals annually with four million servings while mitigating nearly one million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions from food that would have otherwise gone to waste.

2024 By the Numbers


pounds of food moved


recipient organizations



Get Involved

Are you interested in relieving food insecurity and fighting climate change in the Upper Valley? Start by volunteering with us! Once you sign up, we’ll let you know about gardening, gleaning, and other volunteer opportunities throughout the season. You can also donate food from your home garden, wild game, or a local CSA.

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